Plan of Service

Wainwright Public Library's Plan of Service 

The Libraries Regulation requires boards to have a current plan of service, including a mission statement, goals and objectives, based on a community needs assessment. Our plan of service is created by the Town of Wainwright Library Board and sets our priorities for 5 years. You can download the full PDF of our Plan of service from 2022-2026 or view the highlights below.

For more information about regulations and policies, visit Government of Alberta's webpage on provincial public library legislation and policies.

Explore, Experience, Enjoy

Wainwright Public Library is a connector of resources, fostering the joy of reading and the pursuit of knowledge for all ages and cultures in order to enrich the lives of the citizens of Wainwright and area, and the life of the community as a whole.

The Library’s mission is to provide:    

  • circulating collection of current high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats
  • circulating multicultural collections representing a broad spectrum of knowledge on a variety of subjects and in a variety of formats               
  • access to timely and accurate information in a variety of formats
  • programs and services for all ages that encourage reading and learning

As a partner, the Library’s mission is:

  • to coordinate with the Northern Lights Library System, TAL members, TRAC member libraries and the general public
  • to support the development of collections, programs and services in local history and genealogy with other pertinent organizations
  • to cooperate with other agencies and organizations in providing relevant community services
Goal #1: Stimulate imagination

Reading, viewing and listening for pleasure: Residents who want materials to enhance their leisure time will find what they want, when and where they want them and will have the help they need to make choices from among the options.

Goal #2: Satisfy Curiosity

Lifelong learning. Residents will have the resources they need to explore topics of personal interest and continue to learn throughout their lives.

Goal #3: Visit a Comfortable Place

Physical and virtual spaces. Residents will have safe and welcoming physical places to meet and interact with others or to sit quietly and read and will have open and accessible virtual spaces that support networking.

Goal #4: Know Your Community

Community resources and services. Residents will have a central source for information about the wide variety of programs, services and activities provided by community agencies and organizations.